The Tadpole Room for Toddlers
Open to Ages 18 months - 36 months
At Little Leap Learning Center, your toddler will be learning through their entire day just by allowing them to explore creative outlets through our age-appropriate activities. Toddlers learn from watching and imitating children and adults. They also begin to follow simple instruction and start problem-solving during group activities. Using basic sign language during music and movement time offers an additional way to help children communicate while developing their language skills. Toddlers rely heavily on their care provider to help give them instruction by words and example while they begin to learn and develop new abilities.​
Our Learning Environment
Our toddler room is designed to allow for active learning through positive and purposeful play experiences. Encouraging toddlers to explore the world around them through natural curiosity as our main learning focus. Some things you’ll find in the toddler room include:
Block area for expanding small muscle development through learning to stack and build, then knock down and rebuild.
A toddler sink in the classroom provides opportunity to start encouraging independence through hand-washing. This supports both social and emotional development of toddlers.
Move, move, move! Anyone with a toddler knows, they’re always on the move. Through both music and physical gross motor activities, we channel your toddler’s energy and help them use it to learn balance and coordination through movement.
The toddler sensory table will be a favorite place to explore sand, water, bubbles homemade play doh and so much more!
Our Daily Schedule
7:00am-8:30am Arriving
8:30am-9:00am Breakfast & Free Play
9:00am-9:30am Music & Movement
9:30am-10:00am Art & Sensory Time
10:00am-10:30am Activity of the Day
Snack Break
10:30am-12:00pm Storytime, Puzzles, &
Structured Play
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pm Free Outside Play
1:30pm-3:30pm Quiet Nap Time
3:30pm-4:00pm Snack
4:00pm-6:00pm Free Play & Departing
Toddlers' diapers are both checked and changed on a regular basis through the day.
Our toddler program provides opportunity and encouragement for potty training when your child starts to show interest.