The Leaper Room for Preschoolers
Open to Ages 3 years - 5 years
At Little Leap Learning Center, your preschooler will develop independence while learning about responsibilities through daily routines. We help each child reach their potential by recognizing their unique strengths and abilities. We empower our preschoolers to make choices while giving them directions and helping them focus on their individual needs. Your child will develop critical thinking skills and learn self-expression, preparing them for a long journey of learning and giving them confidence with school readiness for kindergarten. Our daily routine will include circle time, where we talk about our lesson and activities, weather, and calendars. We also learn how to follow directions by taking a task from start to finish, we learn how to form lines, take turns, and become patient learners who can identify problems and seek solutions.
Our Learning Environment
Our preschool room is specifically designed for hands-on learning through both individual experience and group activities in our 6 classroom stations, which include:
Art: the expression of art is unique to each child. Creating art with paint, markers, chalk, or by using glue, scissors, or items from nature.
Reading: books, books, books are what you’ll find located in a quiet corner for early learners. Starting to identify letters and the sounds they make, helping with language skills through storytelling.
Writing: a large multi-purpose dry erase and magnet board allows for both writing letters and using magnets to spell out words. Preschoolers will learn to recognize their own name and begin to write it out as well.
Math: a large variety of assorted objects in multiple colors and shapes in our sorting and counting boxes and containers make numbers and patters on math boards, teaching the concepts of more and less through adding and subtracting counting bead boards.
Science & Sensory: creating environments by using our sensory table to learn about making colors, water experiments, forming clay, turning a grape into a raisin, and much, much more.
Pretend Play: using our kid-size kitchen, wearing dress-up clothes, playing store or putting on a puppet show all focus on collaborating, social skills, and building friendships.
Our Daily Schedule
7:00am-8:30am Arriving
8:30am-9:00am Breakfast & Free Play
9:00am-10:00am Circle Time
Music & Movement
10:00am-10:30am Activity of the Day
Snack Break
10:30am-11:30am Station Choices
11:30am-12:00pm Clean Up, Set Up, & Wash
Up for Lunch
12:00pm-12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pm Outside Play
1:30pm-1:45pm Yoga & Story time
1:45pm-3:00pm Quiet Rest/Reading Time
3:00pm-3:30pm Snack
3:30pm-6:00pm Free Play & Departing
Our preschool program incorporates field trips, special activities, and sometimes even guest visitors. Each child also creates a personal portfolio binder to take home and participates in an end of the year spring program.